Any questions Christ left unanswered, some people answered themselves by taking the keys and opening the door to Christianity, the religion that worships Christ. Using these keys would be giving access to have people distort the story by interpretation. The keys would belong to anyone who wanted to simply take them off of the table, and the fact that it's plural means there is more than one person that will use these keys. I think the keys thing probably has to do with the fact that there were some things Christ left for others to answer before he died, hence the keys. I do not agree with SOAD's beliefs if I am correct in this analysis, but this could be what the song is talking about. I seems very New Age ("Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall." It seems to be saying everyone was once One and will be One again after these lives on earth or something). And I like JofaGuht's idea about the makeup, but it could be used to cover up the other religions rather than hidden stories from the Bible. It's like they are saying the pieces to the truth are there, but all one needs to do is pick up the keys and unlock the truth. Also, on the Toxicity cd booklet Daron Malakian thanks "God, Buddha, Allah and Lucifer because they are all so lovely." and Serj thank "The Great Spirit for vision." The song seems to be saying that Christ's sacrifice was self righteous rather than a selfless act for the people he loves as the Bible describes. Since they might believe all religions are pieces to one true religion, an explanation of them sounding as if they are Christian to some is because they believe in some Christian values (like murdering is wrong) but do not hold true to every Christian belief.

A huge part of cosmic humanism is that everyone is god or holy and in the end of this world everyone will be united into one god. They seem to believe everyone is one and all religions are pieces to their believed one true religion. SOAD does not seem Christian, they seem to be new age (or cosmic humanists). (Here you go) create another fable, you wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the (hide the scars to fade away the) Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shake up, you wanted to Grab a brush and put a little makeup, you wanted to Here you go, create another fable, you wanted to

Hide the scars to fade away the shake up (hide the scars to fade away the)